We have been working over the past 3 years in LEARNING the first THREE Habits of becoming a Dynamic Parish: PRAY, STUDY & SERVE. Last year through our third Habit Initiative: FULFILLING THE MISSION: PUTTING JESUS FIRST, we learned the importance of developing the HABIT of SERVE by puƫng Jesus First in our Time, Talent and Treasure. In 2021 we will be Learning & ImplemenƟng our Fourth Habit, COMMUNITY.
What was the first thing Jesus did in his public ministry? He formed a COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES! What is a family meant to be? A COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES! What is a Parish Family meant to be? A COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES!
Our focus for our 4th Habit, will be in developing a most needed network among all our FAMILIES, that make up the PARISH FAMILY of Saint Clement. We desire to form a HOLY ALLIANCE, in which our LARGER COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES, helps and supports YOUR individual Community of Disciples.
Your Family REPRESENTS a “Domestic Church” and through our GOOD SHEPHERD NEIGHBORHOODS, we hope to nurture & strengthen, each “Domestic Church” by helping them DEVELOP & LIVE the Five Habits of a Dynamic Catholic Family. We are currently in the process of developing this 4th Habit and we hope to introduce it, during the first weeks in January. THIS WILL BE A GREAT WAY TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR!