ALTAR LINEN CARE - Erika Arriaga (813) 704-8638 
Altar Linen Care has the responsibility of washing and ironing the altar linens and washing the altar servers’ white surplices and cassocks. We welcome new volunteers. If you feel called to serve Our Lord and our Parish through this Ministry, please call Erika for more information.

ALTAR SERVERS – Deacon Neil Legner (312) 622-3977
Altar servers actively participate and assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass. Girls and boys in the second semester of 4th grade and up are welcomed to join us. Training sessions are provided for all new servers after the application form is completed and returned to Deacon Neil Legner.  For more information please contact Deacon Neil (312) 622-3977 / Jeff Ress 813-603-7377 English / Maria Arbizu 863-602-1563 Spanish.

Art & Environment Worship Team creates a Worship environment that promotes   full, conscious and active participation in the Liturgy. Designs, implements and maintains the Liturgical environment according to the Seasons and Feasts during the Liturgical year. Creative, artistic, floral arranger, seamstress, spiritual, green thumb, can lift and move small items are some of the gifts needed to work in Art & Environment. Work is often on Fridays after morning Mass. Extra helpers needed during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. For more information contact the parish office at 813-752-8251.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Mass.  Training is provided after the approval process is completed. For more information call Bill Parolini.

LITURGY COMMITTEE – Marc Pequignot (813) 752-8251,ext. 305
Meets monthly to discuss, plan and evaluate all liturgies, prayer services and sacramental celebrations which occur throughout the year (Ministries involved: Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters, Music Ministry, Readers & Ushers).

English: Marc Pequignot, Director of Liturgy, ext 305,  mpequignot@stclementpc.org
We do what we do for two reasons: to love God by leading the faithful to a full, concious, active participation in the Mass through music and to raise our voices and talents to move the assembly in such a way as to inspire, thereby enriching the community’s worship experience.  We are the Music Ministry, the congregation is the choir!  Those participating in the music ministry are expected to commit to weekly rehersals and participate in a weekend liturgy, as well as Holy Days of Obligation and special feasts throught the year.  An ability to read or at least follow music is helpful as is an ability to carry a tune.

READERS:  Nicole and James Villa (813) 763-3840 or nicole.villa@outlook.com / Ericka Arriaga (813) 704-8638 (Español)
Those who serve in the Ministry of Reader share a great responsibility with other liturgical ministers to prepare and reflect on the readings, in an effort to enhance the assembly’s experience of the liturgy.  



SACRISTANS - Deanna Akins - English / Raul Angeles - Spanish
Sacristans are responsible for the physical needs at every Mass, preparing the altar, sacred vessels, setting out the bread and wine and ensuring the lectionary is set properly and that the credence table is properly prepared. Interested in becoming a Sacristan? Contact Deanna at the parish office 813-752-8251.

This ministry is composed of volunteers whose mission is to insure proper orperation of the amplified sound system and projection system.  This ministry utilizes simple computer skills and a sense of sound to keep people attuned to Mass by monitoring and adjusting sould levels and changing the slides throughout the Mass.

USHERS - Maria Church (863)660-4279
Ushers provide a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for those who come together to hear the Word of God and share the Eucharist.  (Welcomes, finds seats, takes charge in an emergency during Mass and facilitates the collection and offertory procession.  Friendly, loves Jesus and people; not afraid to shake people’s hands, stays calm during an emergency).  Arrives 30 minutes before Mass begins.  At the conclusion of Mass, hands out bulletins to parishoners.  For more information, contact the church office.